Each Friday we will showcase a product, service, offering or event that is a MUST to check out!
Who doesn't remember Mary Poppins? One of my all time favorite kid movies ~ EVER! In fact we are having a camp out tonight at my house with the kids ~ I am so going to rent this, they will LOVE it!
My favorite song is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Forget it? Click HERE to watch the video ~ it brought back such great memories!
So why am I blogging about this? Because I found this FABULOUS new company LilyStitch and guess what they've designed? Love it! How cute is it stitched as a plain pillow?

or for your little diva a fancier version

Off to the video store, I've been humming the tune in my head while I was writing the blog post...Can't wait for the kids to see it!