Drum roll please ........................ Effective at midnight o'one Saturday May 1st............ Since we're turning 18, you get a month long birthday present of 18% OFF** your orders!
** discount excludes DMC floss; not applicable to items already discount/on sale; not applicable to items ordered prior to May 1, 2010. No special orders = items not normally carried in the shop catalog/web site. Key tags will not be punched during the sale month.
Wowsers! That's cool .. but wait a second Deb, how will I know if I'm getting the discount? How will I know if what I'm ordering is in stock or not?
Not to worry. Since it's impossible for me to know ahead of time what items will be wanted at the discount, if you are ordering from our web site and what you are ordering is not in stock, it WILL be re-ordered for you AT the 18% Off Discount! It's the items we don't have on our web site that are considered 'special orders' and are not applicable; those items we do not now carry or have not carried in the past.
Now .. lets take this UP a notch and find you MORE WAYS TO SAVE on your Charts/Books/Leaflets!
- IF A CHART is not in OUR catalog, but it IS on our Merchant Mall catalog at HOFFMAN Distributing ... you'll still get the 18% OFF Discount when you order it in May!
- IF A CHART is not in OUR catalog, but it IS in the chart catalog at NORDEN CRAFTS ... you'll still get the 18% OFF Discount when you order it in May!
- IF A CHART is not in OUR catalog, but it IS in the chart catalog at WICHELT IMPORTS ... you'll still get the 18% OFF Discount when you order it in May!
- IF A CHART is not in OUR catalog, but it IS in the chart catalog at YARN TREE ... you'll still get the 18% OFF Discount when you order it in May!
- And .. just to prove I'm really in a good mood and not stressed out with 'this birthday' ... you'll also get 18% OFF ALL FRAMES, whether in stock OR special ordered! ALL CUSTOM FRAMING (mats, glass, spacers, mounting fee) will be 18% OFF!!! Custom Mats from Sekas OR Jill Rensel are also 18% OFF.
Happy Birthday Month To Us ... Happy Birthday Month To Us ...
Happy Birthday Month dear Stitches N Things (and dear Stitches N Things customers) ...
Happy Birthday Month To Us (er, to you)!