Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Whip it Up Wednesday ~ Rice Stitch
Each Wednesday we will choose a stitch to explore and post stitch diagram(s) to help you practice and master each one.

Rice Stitch ~ also known as the William and Mary Stitch or a Crossed Corners Cross

Steps ~ This stitch is worked from left to right. Come up through the fabric on the left hand side and go over 2 threads, up 2 threads to the right and go down through the fabric. From behind the fabric go down 2 threads and come up through the fabric. Cross over 2 threads and up 2 threads to the left and go down through the fabric. From behind the fabric go over 1 thread to the right and come up through the fabric. Cross over and down 1 thread to the right and go through the fabric. From behind the fabric go over 2 threads to the left and come up through the fabric. Cross up and over 1 thread to the right and go down through the fabric. From behind the fabric go down 2 threads and come up through the fabric. Cross over and up 1 thread to the left and go through the fabric. From behind the fabric cross over 2 threads to the right and come up through the fabric. Cross over and down 1 thread to the right and go through the fabric.

Rice Stitch over 2

A Rice Stitch can be stitched in horizontally as well as vertically. It can also showcase 2 different colored fibers to create a stand out effect. View diagrams below for different Rice Stitch effects.

Two-Color Vertical Rice Stitch

Triple Rice Stitch

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